Sunday, September 10, 2006


Never Forget


Another video by Tom Cheltson , welldone, beautiful song and slideshow.

( please look at the rest of his fine work, over on blogroll- TOMSONGS)


Unknown said...

Very touching song and video E4E.. we should also remember the 40,000 workers who put their own health in jeopardy to work on the ground zero site..they are having health problems and are being ignored..we can not forget the heros after the towers fell....

Frederick said...


azgoddess said...

very very good!! this needs to be shared more!

meldonna said...

Hey...finally able to watch a video (albeit slow and jerky). You were wise to boycott the ABC movie; I'm just hoping for no more nights of tossing and turning from dreams. Sometimes there is a cost for having a vivid imagination.

We got to turn Congress over in November, or else the first responders will get just as much support from government as our troops do. In a word, nada.

There was a word that got many people angry about this time last year. Refugee.

Between the survivors of 9/11, the families of those lost, the troops sent to the wrong war again and again, those who came back maimed or in a box, their families, and the displaced and bereaved from our own Gulf, the word seems actually appropriate to me. The majority of the above can expect a lot of wind from the government, and nada.

Perhaps refugee isn't exactly the word. Maybe orphan is.

How did America let some rich selfish bastards leave us all so bereft? It boggles the mind.