Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Gerald Ford has passed.....12.26.06


He died on the day after Christmas, he was 93, and had been the oldest living President after Reagon died. He was our Accidental President, sworn in August 9th, 1974. He was our Accidental President, chosen by Fate and Nixon's misfortunes. He was a good man, a Father , a Husband, and an Eagle Scout, and he also was a lawyer and served his Country in the Navy during World War II. He also was almost recruited by two professional Football teams, that is pretty amazing that it was not more publicized. The White House Kids page doesn't even mention it , or that he was in the Navy. ( the White House Gov Bio Pages have undergone alot of revison aka editing these past 6 years really odd).

He was a Congressman's Congressman for over 20 years serving the state of Michigian, respected and loved in DC , before he was appointed VP. He was appointed VP because Spiro Agnew made Mistakes, and got caught and had to resign. Then monthes later Ford became president, again appointed, by Nixon. He was sworn in on August 9th, 1974. And a month later he Pardoned Nixon quietly on a Sunday Morning. He also made a less than glamorous run at being elected Presidency, which culminated in losing to a Peanut Farmer named Carter in 1976. His wife battled breast cancer while he was president, and then later alcoholism and an addiction to prescription pills. It was quite a big deal that they were forthcoming and brave about these battles, and that without the Fords Rehab programs would not be where they are today. Their family helped make it acceptable to admit addiction and ask for help, that is quite an accomplishment.

He was one of the more loved Republican Presidents, even though he dealt with the wind-down of Vietnam ( again missing from the WH Website), and also with oil/gas shortage issues, as well as Inflation/Recession issues, and other economic factors.Most of these issues including Watergate and Vietnam are not really covered on the Whitehouse site anymore. Ford was a true Conservative, he would never have voted for tax cuts for the Rich.There was none of this Religous NeoCon Let's Do it For God crap that we have suffered for 5 years. He also used his veto to attempt to protect The Deficit from worsening, during a time that it could have spiraled. He also did make diplomatic efforts and outreach to countries of concern ( ie China and Russia). He was not a great president, he was a good president....and I still believe that he was better than Nixon. He did do his best to Serve, and Protect the Constitution. I don't think we can say that about this Current Nightmare of a President.

***** Enigma Foot Note *****
So tonight Keith Olbermann came on tonight and announced Ford was gone, My first thought was oh, Good, that will ruin Bush' s Drinking oh, I mean "Working"( ahem )"Vacation" in Crawford....and then I set my cynicism aside. Or atleast I tried to.

Now I have to say, because I came of age during this Era, the Watergate Era, I was very hard on President Ford. I felt sorry for him in many ways, he stumbled into office, first VP , and then being appointed President. And yet I also cried bitterly when he was sworn in. For me after a year of collecting newpaper clippings and watching ALL of the Hearings , I was devastated that Nixon resigned.( Nixon resigned and his poll numbers were still above 35% BTW. So back then , not everyone thought he would.) I knew when Ford was sworn in that Nixon would go off scott free...and not face any charges or penalties.It was August 9th, 1974. An anniversary of a Nuclear Horror from WWII. And then yes, Ford did pardon Nixon, and that was indeed a dark day.Ford even later won a Profile in Courage Award for the Pardon. And yes, in many ways it hung over Ford like a black cloud. He was encumbered by what he did, even though he thought he did it for the Right Reasons. He thought the Country needed to move forward. But sadly it just added to the Aura of Conspiracy that already plagued the Country. And yes, I never forgot that....or perhaps Forgave him.

Even later when he ran for Presidency he made some gaffs and some small mistakes, and it was odd back then the reporters had balls, and asked questions like "Are you intelligent enough" ( What a hoot- can you imagine Some, Hell, Any reporter asking George Bush that???). ( Yes, it was Brokaw that asked that question).

And today he died, and all I could think was how ironic that he died on Festivus, the fake Holiday that was created on Sienfeld, the day of Airing Grievances.....and I was struck by the irony...his entire Presidency , 3 years was plagued with people carrying the greivance that Nixon Got Off, and it was his fault. And the House and the Senate never quite respected him....It hung like a Shadow over the White House in the 1970's....

Yet I know that he would not have Bombed a Country , he would not ever have supported a Orchestrated Manuver like Shock and Awe, or hung a banner that said Mission Accomplished, and certainly not pranced on a Flight Deck in a uniform he should not have worn. He was a Republican from a Bygone Era, not this era. He actually had Integrity.


enigma4ever said...

oh goody...the King will be making a speech at 8am about Ford...gee I can't wait...I can't wait to see the Hungover asshole try to treat this with dignity...

Dada said...

Funny. It's what presidents do at moments like these. I never thought much about it. It's just what they do.

But with Bush, I suddenly DO imagine how inconvenient and troublesome it must be for poor fratman fartboy, so looking forward to a few getaway "working vacation" days down in Crawford, playing video games while stoned, how Ford's untimely demise must be infringing upon his "work". (Couldn't get quite as wasted last night!)

I can just hear Bush cursing Ford for dying at this time. And I imagine Ford saying to Bush, "Well, PARDON me!"

And I realize for the first time, the tremendous responsibilities heaped upon our presidents that I've simply taken for granted all these years. Poor guy.

deuddersun said...

He may well have been the last "honest" Republican. The fact that he was courted by professional football amazes me because I seem to remember him being somewhat clumsy.

Like you enigma, I too never forgave him for pardoning Nixon. If Nixon had gone to trial it may have served as a deterrent to our current CIC (Criminal In Charge). As it is, his pardon may have set a precenent that our lily-livered Dems seem to be all too willing to follow.


Frederick said...

I think you should read Lew's post.

Peacechick Mary said...

He had a winning smile that covered up his partisan undercurrent. Not only did he pardon Nixon, but he changed the findings on the Warren Report (Kennedy). So, he is the man who insured that Americans never knew the whole truth about anything important.

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing - i had not known!

enigma4ever said...

AZ; Just shared a little, he of course will now be slathered across the news for days- anything to keep Iraq off the News and the Front page.

Mary: Thank you for reminding me about the Warren Commission- I went back and fixed.....sadly I don't think we will ever know the Truth of the Pardon...but since Rummy and Dick were also on Nixon's staff- I have little faith in the circumstances and created consequences, and Ford inherited them with his Presidencey....About the Warren Commission- the report has holes in it that one could drive a semi with comfortable room to spare....

Fred: thanks- I will head to Lew's right now to read that eulogy...no, I mean condolences...no that isn 't it...how about snarky unfiltered version of the Truth...there that's better....like a cold beer on a humid summer day...( Lews writing that is)

Deuderson: welcome...yup...I agree with everything you said, and also I have to say the DEMS are reponsible for investigating and carrying forth an investigation, no doubt about it...I can only hope and pray that their livers become less lily colored...

Dada: yup the Peevish Petulent Pissypanted King had to get up early interrupt his Lucky Charms and "comfort" the nation....He gave some BS drivel coated litttle snit of a speech and called it good. We won't see him again until he comes up again for the next cocktail coated moment....too bad....Bush's flag was half-staff long before he hit the podium....

In a way these Regug Funerals always help to remind Real Repugs what Bush Jr ain't....and I like that...

Anonymous said...

This guy was my favorite Republican Prez.
I was young but I was listening.
Click around the site for some great info.