Wednesday, August 06, 2008

HONORING HIROSHIMA.....(And Why it is SO Important that we not have a warmonger in chief)

"Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power. We have guided missiles and misguided men".MLK
On Monday, August 6, 1945,at 8:15am the nuclear weapon Little Boy,a 9,700 pound uranium bomb was dropped on Hiroshima by the crew of the American B-29 bomber Enola Gay, directly killing an estimated 90,000 people 43 seconds after it was dropped. By the end of the year, injury and radiation brought total casualties to 90,000-140,000, 95% of these were civilians, this also includes the caregivers of the irradiated.More would succomb in the years to come to a variety of cancers, including breast, bone,thyroid cancers and leukemias. Approximately 69% of the city's buildings were completely destroyed, and 6.6% severely damaged.Hiroshima was not a Military post or strategic location, it was a Midsized City.

( Click the title, really beautiful Video about it...)


DivaJood said...

Hiroshima was bad enough - but three days later was Nagasaki.

enigma4ever said...

and that is what really bothers me- WHY..they both were horrendous events...but there was no reason..none...

( well, really for either one)....