Friday, September 12, 2008

Matt Damon is a Genius...

."..It's like a really bad Disney movie. You know, the hockey mom, you know--"Oh, I'm just a hockey mom from Alaska!" And she's the president! And it's like, she's facing down Vladimir Putin, using the folksy stuff she learned at the hockey rink. It's just absurd. It's totally absurd and I don't understand why more people aren't talking about how absurd it is. It's a really terrifying possibility. The fact that we've gotten this far...and we're that close to this being a reality is crazy. Crazy."
Said by Matt Damon in an interview 9.10.08....even before the Gibson Interview aired...and we saw her Scripted Stupidity...


X. Dell said...

From what I understand, Palin is for teaching creationism in schools.

enigma4ever said...

yup...because Jeesus did not walk on water- he walked with Dinos...

enigma4ever said...

quick footnote::
6-6 has pointed out that EIGHT presidents did not survive- so the idea that THIS WOMAN ( cretin) could become Prez is REAL...shit...SHIT....scary..