Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Glenn GreenWald Gets it Right- Most Americans don't want "Bipartianship", they want the Repugs to take a Hike...

I have been watching Obama and as a Leader I do admire that he is trying to reach out and create some kind of communication style that allows team work etc...BUT...I do think that the repugs are being obstructionist and not working well or thinking about Americans, after all we did vote for Change...and for many of us that meant change from the repug tactics...read the article see what you think....


Annette said...

But, I think he has to keep reaching.. in order to cancel them out he has to keep putting that hand out and letting them slap it.. that's why his numbers are staying high and theirs are going down...

It only helps him .. if they continue to look like asses and he continues to look like a good guy.. it takes away all the negativity. Yeah it pisses me off that he reaches out, but as long as he does then he just looks like the nice guy and they look like the asshats.

enigma4ever said...

you are as always the voice of reason....and yes, so right....but I am just so tired of no one telling them to shut up and grow up......but Obama is doing it right- I understand that.....

but I guess I will still grumble about this...

Annette said...

So will I...lol we can grumble together.. I still think they are rethuglicans...lol